Thursday, November 29

I <3 my job!

My boss received a Silver Snoopy today. So this morning I headed over to Kimberly's office to see if she wanted to walk over with me. Long story short, I stood through some heated discussion before heading over. I wasn't really in the mood to go but Kimberly told me "you want to go, trust me". So we head over. I'm sitting there and the president of the company walked in. Immediately behind him walked someone with a blue flight suit. I turn to Kimberly and super happily said "That's Suni!". Yup! I just met Sunita Williams. :D I stood in line afterwards and got a picture. When I got up to her, she asked me if I was going to apply for the 2009 Astronaut Candidate Class. This is exactly what I needed. I keep getting kicks in the butt to keep on, keeping on. I've been in a funk for awhile; There's a lot of stuff going on. I'm terribly worried about classes. I'm afraid no matter how hard I try, I won't make it. I'm trying to not let what people have told me get to me. I don't give up. The trip home made me question why I'm really down here. I know its passion. But I've hit a rut and I think I needed to be reminded. Next semester is really starting to scare me.

Today is the same ol' some ol'. People, especially in Manufacturing, are getting really stressed out, so I try to only go over there if they've asked me to do something or to check to make sure they have nothing for me to do. I'm almost done with the 10 hour days. So that will be nice.

Pete had a lot of fun yesterday with Fergie and Melissa. Fergie and Pete ran around for awhile. Pete is freakin' fast. After awhile Fergie got tired so we both headed home and then back to work. When Claire got home last night she wanted to go jogging (ha!). I had a feeling it would turn into a walk after not long, so I brought Pete with us. By the time we got home and he got his dinner, he was fast asleep. Though he would wake up every once in awhile, toss a toy and pounce on it until he fell asleep again. When I went to my room at 8:30, he crawled under my bed and fell asleep. I'm super excited to bring him to Minnesota! :)

I don't think I've had my Huntsville restart since I got back. I feel like I'm just running around with my head cut off. I'm hoping this weekend will let me relax. I really want to go hiking. And then I'll be back in the Huntsville swing. Just in time to go home for Christmas. Lol. You would never thinking having to get used to different cultures would be this hard. Oh well. Hiking will help! :)

Hope everyone is having a wonderful Thursday!

Peace, Love and Going After Your Dreams,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Glad you came. Sorry to have not told you who was coming. :)