Friday, May 9

Two in one week! Get excited! :-D

The whole blogging this is picking up, again. Mainly because I'm still rather bored at work.

Work is going well. I still have my hopes up for going to Houston to "help" with Heide's mission's part. Cause, you know, I would rather live delusionally and be happy. :-) Anyway, around TBE I've had a few things to do. Mainly status. But it gets me away from my desk. Otherwise I just hang out in people's offices. Fred and Jimmy tend to see a lot of me. As well as the guys on the floor. :-) I haven't seen much of Kimberly. She came over to see me twice. The second time I wasn't here so she left a note. It made me smile. :-) We are going to lunch on Monday. I'm excited. :-)

Grades came out and I did well in everything except for Calculus (which I'm taking again this summer). Did I already say this in another post? Eh. I'm thrilled, so I don't mind writing about it again. :-)

Pete had his 6 month vet appt yesterday. He is super healthy and is up to date on all his shots. No more tapeworm and roundworms. This made his mom very happy! :-) Yay for having a healthy, happy puppy! I'll post pictures up here sometime so you all can see how much he's grown. (Okay, maybe not that much... but looking at his pictures from when we first got him to now, he looks a lot bigger to me.)

Melissa and I had lunch today. We went to a fast food Mexican restaurant here. It was pretty good. She enjoyed her meal and I thought mine was tasty. We talked that it might be the replacement for Q'doba. Which brings me to my next stream of thought...

I think I've been doing well with moving on. A few things the past few days have happened and I was rather indifferent. I'm pretty happy with the progress I've made. Which is good seeing the new possibilities that are presenting themselves. :-)

My fish who lives on my desk at work has officially been named. His name is Zvezda. Zvezda (which is Russian for star) was the name of the third module added to Station. It's the home for two astronauts/cosmonauts and has some, if not most, of ECLSS (which is their environmental and life support control system). I think I went to camp too much...

Anyway, it's Friday and I'm counting down the hours until I get to go home. Hope everyone who is finishing up finals does really well! And everyone who had no finals to take, we are all jealous.

Peace, Love, and that fun flip floppy jump my heart does,

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